Sunday, December 4, 2016

Snow! and Gingerbread Houses

Mrs Byham and I kept all of the kids today during Sunday School, so that all the other adults/parents could be in the congregational meeting. We talked about Christams, read a Nativity story, sang Christmas Carols, and did a craft. The older kids cut and pasted the scripture, the younger kids colored a nativity book. Overall, it went really well! 
While we were in church it snowed, a lot! The kids were all so excited about it. After nap time, Kaycee got dressed in her snow gear (so did I, well as much as would fit over my belly) and we went out to play. Anthony came out after a while and shoveled the driveway and play. Kaycee had a great time! Then we came inside and built gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. The kiddos mostly wanted to eat the candy, but it was still a lot of fun!! 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Annemarie's Wedding

Thank you Miss DJ for watching our kiddos while we went to the wedding. They had a great time, Kaycee has been talking about it for days! They didn't even miss us a bit! 
The wedding was beautifully short! Annemarie looked beautiful and she looked so happy. The ceremony was about 17 minutes from start to finish, then appetizers for a bit before the dinner. Everything was delicious and beautiful! The cupcakes were super tasty, dancing fun and good company! We even got back before midnight. Thanks Anthony for driving!

Today's Advent: Writing Cards for Miss DJ!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Baths, Egg allergy, Christmas Fest

We started off the day with a bath because a certain child, who shall remain nameless, peed through her diaper and needed to be cleaned. The kids love the bath and would be totally happy with a bath, or several baths, every day! Afterwards we mostly had a low key day, watching some shows together, eating lots of eggs for breakfast and lunch,, playing and playing some more. All until I noticed some hives on poor little Olive's tummy and back. Olive can't catch a break, my heart breaks for her. Thankfully, the doc figured it out right away. She's allergic to eggs... which I fed her twice today... oops. Sorry sweet girl!!
Tonight I picked up and Jon and we went to Carthage's Christmas Fest. We made really good time getting there! WE were super lucky and found a parking spot in lot A. An athlete was coming out of the tarc and I followed him to his car. It was luck! The concert was great, Jamey played well! The orchestra only got 1 of their own songs and the choirs had like 27, which is totally unfair. But the one they played, they played well!! Afterwards we went to Marina for dinner and then home. I got home a little after midnight. 

Today's Advent: Read Christmas Jokes!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Sicky Olive and First Day of our Advent Calendar

Little Olive isn't feeling the best today. We took her temp several times, which was not her favorite activity. I really need to invest in one of those forehead thermometers. She did eat lunch with us today, but she got banned from the table. She kept reaching over and stealing the other kids food. So she got her own chair out of arms reach instead! 

We've started our advent calendar today. Each day Anthony will read us a scripture and we'll do a family activity. Some are fun and some are service. Hopefully we can keep up each day!
Today's Advent: Dance Party to Christmas Music!