Sunday, September 30, 2018

9/30/18 - Grumpy Kids, Penny Poop, Moldy Wall

Why does church always seem to go so smoothly, but the free time at home is a wreck? It's the non-busy days at home that seem to bring out the worse behavior and attitudes. The kiddos were terribly grumpy and picking at each other all afternoon. They needed separation therapy, aka TV time... oops!

Anthony and I spent the afternoon cleaning and reorganizing the back bedroom. It was time to get my crafting stuff away from Kaycee's play area. She spends nap time there, playing with everything she can get her hands on, which sometimes is my expensive crafting items. While moving stuff around we noticed a gross, moldy spot on the wall. It's tricky because it's not consistent with outside water and nothing wet was placed up against the wall for a long period of time. It's a mystery. 

Tripp pooped out his penny tonight! It was shiny clean, it looked like it had lost all color. No matter, I was super glad it was finally out!