Saturday, July 2, 2016

More Work Outside/Pool Party/Snow White

Anthony made breakfast this morning: eggs, bacon, biscuits and hash browns with fresh squeezed orange juice! Then we spent the morning working outside. I pulled more weeds from the bush near the porch and Anthony weed wacked all the weeds near the fence and the back of the house. Kayee helped with the weeds, looked at the worms Momma unearthed and played on the swing set! When Trippy woke up from his nap, he swung on the swing set while we finished up. Then lunch and naps, even Momma took a nap (trying to get over this nasty cold). Afterwards, the kiddos played in the pink blow up pool that GG and GGpa gave to them. The water was cold because the air temp was pretty cool. But Kaycee enjoyed it anyway. Tripp only wanted to sit outside the pool and lean over to splash. The kids played on the swing set more before dinner, We watched Snow White and ate Papa Johns in the living room tonight! 

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