Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Uncle Jamey's Birthday/Lularoe Pop Up

Happy Birthday Uncle Jamey!!

This morning, Mema needed help in Sonshine School so I stayed in class to help her. I wore Izzy the whole time, which made it rather difficult to help the kiddos with their handwriting or pick up the screaming child. Even so, it was still a great day! As the class was getting ready to go outside, I scooped up the middle kids who were napping. Of course both Olive and Izzy pooped through their pants and needed complete changes of clothes. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for the laugh) Olive didn't have other clothes in her bag, so she went without pants, which made it rather difficult to play at the park. She did end up in the swings, sitting on a blanket which was a good solution. 
Tonight was my Lularoe party at Lauren's house! It was a blast. I loved shopping and hanging out with everyone. Molly, Donna, Beth, Rebecca, my Mom, Diana and Julie came! I received 6 free items, 2 pairs of leggings and an extra shirt as my hostess rewards! I'm super excited about new clothes! 

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