Thursday, October 4, 2018

10.4.18 - Movie Theater Reward

Tripp and Kaycee had dental appointments this morning. Everything looks great and the kiddos did fabulous! The dentists says he has no concerns about Tripp's thumb sucking or Izzy's finger sucking. 

Kaycee finished her sticker chart today! She mostly earned stickers for doing chores (picking up, making the bed, clearing dishes, etc.). She got several prizes along the way, but the final prize was the best! Kaycee and I went to the movie theater to see Tangled, part of the Dream Big Princess series! It was Kaycee's first theater experience. We at a whole box of popcorn and drank a whole drink! She was so excited! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

10/3/18 - Zoo and Ballet

Mema and I took the kids to the zoo today. It was 85 degrees and sunny, so it was unusually warm. The wind kept most of us cool. Everyone, except for Olive, of course! I forgot the wagon and 1 double stroller was not gonna cut it. So, Mema rented a double stroller, which of course gave the kids something to fight about the whole time we were there. They did take a break from fighting to ride the carousel twice, watch the Polar Bear swim, talk to the penguins and marvel at a running giraffe.  It was a great day! 

Kayee had her third ballet class today! She's loving every minute of ballet! She's also talking Miss Gina's ear off!  

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

10/2/18 - Sonshine School

Typical Tuesday... Sonshine School, home for naps, play after naps, dinner and bed. Kaycee and I took some time this morning to be silly! 

Monday, October 1, 2018

10/1/18 - Nada

It's a weird day to have no pictures... But it was a typical Monday. Champs, home for naps, play after naps, dinner and bed! We have not been grocery shopping in a loooong time so tonight's dinner was platter full of frozen left overs. Very strange!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

9/30/18 - Grumpy Kids, Penny Poop, Moldy Wall

Why does church always seem to go so smoothly, but the free time at home is a wreck? It's the non-busy days at home that seem to bring out the worse behavior and attitudes. The kiddos were terribly grumpy and picking at each other all afternoon. They needed separation therapy, aka TV time... oops!

Anthony and I spent the afternoon cleaning and reorganizing the back bedroom. It was time to get my crafting stuff away from Kaycee's play area. She spends nap time there, playing with everything she can get her hands on, which sometimes is my expensive crafting items. While moving stuff around we noticed a gross, moldy spot on the wall. It's tricky because it's not consistent with outside water and nothing wet was placed up against the wall for a long period of time. It's a mystery. 

Tripp pooped out his penny tonight! It was shiny clean, it looked like it had lost all color. No matter, I was super glad it was finally out! 

Monday, August 13, 2018

8/13 'Svisus Cookie' the birdy

On Sunday evening, we took a family walk around the block. We haven't taken too many walks together, so the kids were confused. "Where are we going?" "Are we walking to the park?" "My legs hurt!" After much whining and answering the same question over and over again, we were finally on the last stretch. (I mean it was only around the block...)
Kaycee was running ahead when she stopped suddenly to admire a birdy on the sidewalk. As she got closer the birdy did not fly away. That's when we knew the something was wrong with the birdy. Anthony took the kids home while I made some phone calls, trying to find someone who could help the birdy. I left messages with Flint Creek Wildlife and 2 wildlife rehibilitors, but they never called back. It was Sunday night, so it wasn't surprising. So I scooted the birdy into a box, with a stick, and put the box on the porch swing in front of our house. 
This morning, the birdy was still in the box when we left for the swimming pool. However, when we got back, the birdy was on the ground chirping away. I watched the birdy hop all over the ground, but it couldn't fly. I spent the afternoon/evening calling different wildlife places trying to get someone to answer. I probably made 30 phone calls between the 2 days. Finally, I got a hold of someone at Willowbrook Wildlife who gave me the name of some bird ladies in the area! After dinner, our family took a trip to Ms. Mary's house where we dropped off "Svisus Cookie."
Kaycee cried the whole way home... "I'll never see Cookie again. I'll never see another baby bird, ever."
We pray Cookie makes a full recovery and flies off into a blissful life! 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

5.4.18 Park Fun

Last night the children had Momma up for 2 hours in the middle of the night. As a result, Momma was grumpy this morning and needed to take the kids out of the house. So, we met Mema at the church park and played! Mema took Kaycee and Tripp to visit Uncle Marty too! 

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Today was a simple day at home. We pulled out the car blanket to play cars this morning! After Olive and Nolan went home, Kaycee and Momma were going to run to Walmart, except the car wouldn't start. So instead, Anthony went and bought a new batter and installed it in the car! Walmart will have to wait till tomorrow.