Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's been a while

I'm a really bad blogger... You would actually have to write blog posts in order to be called a blogger... 


I really want to blog our babies life! I'm going to make a conscious effort to blog at least 2 times a week. Hopefully, that will get me into the blogging way! 

So, here's the first for this week. 

It's getting so close. I'm starting to feel anxious about meeting our little peanut. However, I'm not mentally ready for a baby, yet. This pregnancy has flown by. I remember when Anthony and I found out, it seems like it was just last week. But here we are. 

We are so thankful for the shower that our church family threw for us on Sunday. We received many items that will aid us in the start of our precious little girls life! We feel truly blessed to be loved by so many.  We even had out of town guests for our shower. I would have to say that my favorite gift was a giraffe hat that my mother made. It's exactly what I asked for! I'll post picture soon! 

The students in my school are really anxious for her to be born, because they want to know her name. They keep coming up with silly names and trying to trick me into telling them what the name is.  One student came to me and told me that her mother was making a blanket and needed to know the name to sew on it. I thought long and hard about that one. When I reminded her that the name was a secret, she caved and told me it was a trick! Are you smarter than a 5th grader???

That's it for this post. Hopefully, the next one will be more exciting! 

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