Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Telling the Family

It's been about 3 1/2 weeks since we told the family. I'm finally getting to blog about the experience!!

We had to wait a WHOLE week after we found out, in order to tell the family. Of course, it must be done in person and we wanted to do something fun to reveal the secret.  So we made t-shirts.  Black t-shirts for the family and gray t-shirts for the Framily! 
Grama                                     Frama
Grampa                                   Frampa
Uncle (Jamey)                       Fruncle (Ty)
Uncle (Jon)                            Fruncle (Caleb)
Uncle (Tom)                          Fraunt (Emily)
 Aunt (Becky)                                                  

We first told mom and dad by giving them their shirts.  They were very excited and asked a lot of questions about the baby and the whole situation.  Then we told Jamey and Jon by giving them their shirts.  To say the least they were both speechless. Then we told Chris and Susie and the kids, by giving them their shirts.  When Susie finally figured it out she freaked out and was super excited.  The kids were all excited as well and Emily asked if she could help name our baby.  (I think we have that one covered!) Then we went to see Rob and Molly.  Of course Molly figured it out before we even got there.  But, they were very excited and we had a long conversation about it!  We ended up calling Tom and Becky and told them at the end of the weekend! 

We still need to tell the Grandparents and friends.  I think soon, we'll tell the world!

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