Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We're pregnant!!


In many months we'll be welcoming the first Neal baby into our family!! Anthony and I couldn't be more excited.  It is so crazy to me, how God's work is the best work.  This has to be God's will.  It has to be his way.  We're ready for this journey because God's on our side!!

A month ago, (on vacation), I missed my first period.  Anthony and I took our first pregnancy test when we came home from vacation.  It was negative.  Even though we were discouraged, it was the beginning of God preparing our hearts.  We talked about it, joked about it, and thought about the possibility of having a baby.  So, when I missed my second period, we knew!  Sunday night when we got home, Anthony and I agreed that we would take our second pregnancy test. It was POSITIVE!! Anthony squealed, I smiled big and we hugged!!! We immediately started googling "What to do when you're first pregnant." Man, did we find some useful knowledge and some very weird knowledge.  We'll leave the new information for the doctors to give us! 

Yesterday was the doctor's visit to the RUSD Health Clinic. The doctor had had her baby about 4 months ago, so we discussed pregnancy dates, due dates, what to expect and how to handle certain things.  The doctor thinks I'm 8 weeks pregnant! She gave me a lot of good encouragement for this new journey.  The nurse couldn't find my vein (of course, that seems to always be the problem) and so they had to call a phlebotomist. She was great! She drew some blood on the first try and then it was a waiting game...

This morning about 7:30am, I got a call from the RUSD Health Clinic doctor.  She got my HCG (pregnancy hormone) level/number back. 95. Which she says puts me about 3-4 weeks pregnant.  She was a little confused by this number, because of my missed periods.  The OBGYN doctor will have to make the final determination. That appointment is tomorrow.  (enter nervous feeling here)

Anthony and I keep saying that if we're 8 weeks pregnant right now, our baby is the size of a raspberry!! Welcome little raspberry! Grow well, stay healthy and we can't wait to meet you! Mommy and Daddy love you very much! 

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