Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The First of the Firsts

Well... It starts.  

The baby made me nauseous yesterday.  The first of the many nauseous moments to come, I'm sure.  I felt horrible yesterday: headache that wouldn't go away, stomach that couldn't be cured and back ache that left me crooked all day.   I was hoping to be that 1 in a million percent, who didn't ever have horrible symptoms.  But yeah, who are we kidding? 

However, my hubby is being the best hubby to a pregnant wife ever! He massaged my back, made his own dinner and even did the dishes without complaining.  He's doing so well.  The pregnancy app on my ipad told him that he might have to do more than his fair share around the house. I think he's taking that to heart.  Maybe I'll find an app that tells him he should give me hour long massages every day after work??? Do you think that'll work??? (well a girl can dream, right?)

Today, has been much better. I stood straight this morning, which was the first clue that I was going to have a great day! Work went well. grocery shopping went quickly and I'm currently lounging on the couch in the air conditioning.  Is being HOT all the time a symptom of pregnancy? If so, I have it! 

This week, our baby is the size of a grain of rice. Eyes, ears and a mouth are developing and little stubs are starting to form that will soon grow into arms and legs with fingers and toes!! The baby's heat beat is beating, even though we can't hear it yet. Mommy and Daddy love our little grain of rice and we can't wait for you to develop more!! 

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