Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Finding Out!

Wednesday, July 10th was the first doctor's visit.  However, it was more of an information session with the nurse.  Of course, the first thing they make you do is pee in a cup.  (First of all: it's really complicated to accurately aim, and second of all: GROSS) But it was necessary for the nurse to do the pregnancy test.  So she starts the test and then looks at me and says "Did you only take 1 at home pregnancy test?" To which I replied "Yes, is there a problem?"  She quickly fumbled about her words and said "Don't worry, it's usually an immediate test, but it could take a few moments." After waiting, for what seemed like the longest moment of my life, she sighed and confirmed the pregnancy! 

Jeeze, that was nerve wracking... I can't imagine what the rest of doctor's visits are going to be like.

Afterwards, the nurse and I talked about my history, the baby and she gave me A LOT of literature to read.  However, when we talked about the baby's due date, there was confusion and nervous feelings.  She sent me to schedule an early pregnancy ultra-sound. However, I couldn't just go take it right away, she informed that I would need to wait a whole week. A WHOLE WEEK!! In case you didn't know, I am not very good at being patient.  I wanted to know about our baby right away!!

The next week was a waiting game. The day after my doctor's apt. I got a phone call from the nurse to inform me that all my blood tests came back great! She said my only problem was that my sugar numbers were a little high, but nothing to be concerned about. (But come on, if you know me, you know I like me some sugar... I guess I'll have to work on that lol) So Anthony and I waited until the Thursday of the final week for the ultrasound. 

Thursday, July 18th finally arrived.  I woke up at 7am, and drank a ridiculous amount of water. You know that feeling when you're on a road trip and you really have to pee, but the next rest stop is a million miles away. Yes, that's how I felt when Anthony and I arrived at the hospital for the ultrasound. We were finally called and the nurse took us back to the room.  We were super excited, because we were finally going to find out how far along we were... but of course, the ultrasound tech lady nurse person COULDN'T tell us anything.  Why? Why do they play that horrible mean cruel trick on expecting mothers?  I had to sit at home and wait, wait, wait and wait some more for the phone to ring. 

I'll give the doctor's office props however, because I think I only waited a few hours until the nurse called me.  She informed me that I was about 6 weeks pregnant and that the baby (or sac) looked healthy. She had no concerns based off of the early ultrasound!!! Praise the Lord.  (You know, I should probably listen to the Lord when he tells me to stop worrying, in Matthew 6. He know's best!)

So, the doctor doesn't need to see me until the beginning of September. Then we'll hear the baby's heart beat! Until then, I'll eat healthy, exercise the way I'm supposed to, nap a lot, and be happy!! 

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