Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 105 - New Crib

Daddy and Momma built Kaycee's new crib tonight. Momma was itching to get Kaycee's room set up. The crib was the first step. Thank you Grandma Denise for all of Kaycee's new furniture!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 104 - Grabby Hands

Kaycee has really gotten the hang of grabby Giraffy. She'll hold on to him tightly if she's napping in the car. She loves Giraffy. Thanks Aunt Beth for the Giraffy toy! I love the fact that she's starting to grab because she'll grab  my finger and bring it straight for her mouth... or any other object she can get into her hands.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 103 - Moving Day

Today is moving day. And like a goofball I didn't take a single picture. 

A BIG shout out to Lisa, Jacob, Adam, Melissa, Amy and Bekah for helping us load the truck!!

A BIG shout out to Bill, Rob, Sam and Katherine for helping us unload the truck!!! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 102 - Culvers with GG and GGpa

Today Great Grandma Nancy (GG) and Great Grandpa Tom (GGpa) took Kaycee and I up to Wisconsin to do some last minute packing. On the way into town we stopped at Taco Bell to get GG some bean burritos and then went to Culvers for Lunch. GGpa and I enjoyed some yummu Culvers and GG at her burritos. Then we went back to the house to do last minute packing and finalize plans for moving day. I'm so thankful they came to help and distract Kaycee while I worked!!

I Love Outside

Kaycee would spend all day every day outside if I would let her! Today she sat in her bumbo in front of the open screen door and Grandma and Grandpa's house. She watched the squirrels and the birds and enjoyed the fresh air.  A few times Grandma and Grandpa's kitty came over to investigate why Kaycee had taken over her spot in front of the sliding door. But eventually they just shared.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 101 - Moving Trash/Recycling

I have gotten rid of a ton of garbage and recycling this week. I didn't realize how much it really was until I had it out at the curb on trash day. The bad part is that we don't actually move for another couple of days. 

Tummy Time

We're working on our tummy time. It's still not a favorite. Kaycee will last about 10 minutes tops on her tummy, if and only if, she is entertained by something on the floor. I've resorted to putting a mirror on the floor in front of her to hold her attention. She also is content for a while if she can suck on her fingers. Our little peanut can push her self up and hold her head up for a long time, no problem. She is in the beginning stages of rolling over. She can get her arms tucked under her enough to roll to her side. She's rolled over completely a few times!!

Momma's Helper

She's going to be a good helper. Today she sat in her bumbo on the dresser while Momma puzzled out the room. I measured each dresser and how big the bed was going to be and I rearranged and moved dressers around to find the optimal amount of space in the room. Kaycee just sat contently the whole time. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 100 - Sad Friends

Tonight we had dinner with Sarah and Mark at their house. They had a delicious spaghetti meal with Parm. chicken. The girls were fairly well behaved during our visit. Except when we dressed them alike and tried to take pictures. If one of them was happy the other was crying. It was amusing to say the least. I can't wait to get a copy of the besties pictures from Sarah.

Tummy Time With Daddy

We have to get creative with how we do Tummy Time. Daddy has it figured out. He can play with her and bounce her if she gets fussy and temporarily make her forget that she hates tummy time. Way to go Daddy!

Morning Giggles

I love to snuggle with my peanut in the morning, however often she's ready to be awake. So instead I get play time with my peanut and lots of smiles and giggles! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 99 - Scary Moment

Today I had one of the scariest moments of my life. As I was driving home from church, in Anthony's car, Kaycee was screaming her head off. I have a mirror in my car that allows me to see Kaycee's face, but there isn't one in Anthony's car. So I didn't look back at her, because I couldn't have helped her anyway. Finally as I'm getting off the highway I look at her in my review mirror and see her tipped over on her side... For whatever reason, the base in Anthony's car had tipped over. She was practically laying on her side. And the worst part was I couldn't get to a parking lot fast enough to fix it. It took my two light cycles to get to the turn lane and I went through a red light to turn into the parking lot. I took her out and fixed the base. I pulled on it to make sure it was secure, and sure enough it tipped right over. I have no idea what was going on or why it would be able to tip over. So I put the base in the seat right behind the driver and it was steady there. So we made it home safely. My poor baby! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 98 - Last Bath

Today was the last bath in our Wisconsin home. She enjoys all of the bath except for the getting out part. Typically thats when lotion comes and so she screams through the whole time. Hopefully, she'll continue to love baths at Grammy's house. 

Waiting For Daddy

It was a beautiful day outside, so we decided to wait for Daddy outside. We took our chair outside and enjoyed the sunshine and birds. Kaycee loves anything outside. She sat and cooed at nature until Daddy pulled in. Then she enjoyed being snuggled by Daddy! Our favorite part of the day is when Daddy comes home!

Momma's Girl

Another round of morning pictures with Kaycee. I love to snuggle her and take selfies with her. I often take a break from packing to snuggle with her. She's such a content baby to play in her swing or on her play mat or even to sit in her bumbo while I pack. This would be a miserable experience if she was a fussy/picky baby. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 97 - Wanting To Sit

We left the bumbo at the Carris house. :( Kaycee loves to sit up and so I had to figure out a way to keep her upright. I propped the pillows up so she could watch me pack the bedroom. She's a good helper!! 

(Thank you Rozni's for the outfit!)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 96 - Painting Day

Today was painting Day!! A huge thank you to Anthony and Grandpa for spending the entire day painting our bedroom and the nursery. Grandma sorted in the den, making room for us to pile things and I did other things in the house. I was itching to paint, but mostly stayed out of the way. Kaycee spent a huge chunk of the day sitting in her bumbo talking to Grandma. It looks awesome so far, and it's not even finished. I cant wait for the final product!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 95 - Home Depot Shopping

We needed more boxes for packing. It was early, because there is no sleeping in with Kaycee. This is a blessing in disguise because it means I get up and get productive in the morning. So we took our shopping trip to Home Depot for packing boxes and tape. (They have the cheapest around). She did great in the cart, which resulted in no room to put the boxes, except under the cart. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 94 - We Win!

Anthony and I took a break from packing, well I took a break from packing and he relaxed after work with a game of Forbidden Desert. We have played before and it's a pretty difficult game to win, especially with more players. But this time we won! We love to play games, I especially like to play cooperative games where you don't try to hurt each other. This is a great game for me because you work together to collect all the pieces to put the ship together, before the island gets covered by sand. We had a great combination of extra abilities and we won!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 93 - Meeting Framma for Coffee

This happy girl was so sweet at coffee with Frama. I love her smile, especially when she's smiling at me!! We met at Caribou in Mount Prospect for an hour. Lisa showed up to hang out for a while as well! It's always a hoot with those two.

Momma's First Day At Home

It's Momma's first day as an official Stay-At-Home Momma and I love it already!! Last night we drove down to Illinois to take a load of teaching materials to the storage unit. So we stayed at Gramma and Grampa's house. It was wonderful to wake up stress free and spend the day lounging. We stopped by Frama's house, but she wasn't around. So we had coffee with her later in the afternoon. When Daddy was done with work we caravanned back to Wisconsin to start the packing process. It's going to be a long week and a half packing up this house. We acquired a lot of stuff over the last almost 2 years.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 92 - 3 Month Old Princess!!

Pictures/Post Coming Soon!

Last Day Of School

It's the last day of school! Today we cleaned my classroom, and by cleaned I mean tore my room apart. Everything had to come down and be packed up. The kids were mostly helpful. After a couple of hours they got bored and wanted to play. We also had a final memorial service for Nehemiah, dedicating a tree and a bench to his memory. His family was there and really appreciated the gesture. My 5th graders finished off their Elementary school careers with a real lock down. I was in the back room closet feeding Kaycee at the time. I didn't even know we were in a lock down. (Apparently someone robbed the bank on the corner and ran towards the school. The lock down was precautionary, but necessary.) Then it was dismissal and goodbye students. I was out of there pretty quickly myself. 
I think I'll miss it come August/September. But for now I'm mostly excited to be home with my sweet Kaycee girl!