Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 99 - Scary Moment

Today I had one of the scariest moments of my life. As I was driving home from church, in Anthony's car, Kaycee was screaming her head off. I have a mirror in my car that allows me to see Kaycee's face, but there isn't one in Anthony's car. So I didn't look back at her, because I couldn't have helped her anyway. Finally as I'm getting off the highway I look at her in my review mirror and see her tipped over on her side... For whatever reason, the base in Anthony's car had tipped over. She was practically laying on her side. And the worst part was I couldn't get to a parking lot fast enough to fix it. It took my two light cycles to get to the turn lane and I went through a red light to turn into the parking lot. I took her out and fixed the base. I pulled on it to make sure it was secure, and sure enough it tipped right over. I have no idea what was going on or why it would be able to tip over. So I put the base in the seat right behind the driver and it was steady there. So we made it home safely. My poor baby! 

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