Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Allergist #2

Today was Tilly's second allergist appointment. She had a skin test for the cows milk, which came back negative. Next step is a cows milk challenge in the office, next week. First step is Desonide to clear up the eczema on the face for a week. Hopefully, this gives us a clean slate for the milk challenge. 


Monday, February 22, 2021

Endocrinologist with Kaycee

Today was Kaycee's Endocrinologist appointment. We met with Dr. Lado from Luries. He was nice and very helpful, answering all my questions. He is not concerned about Kaycee. Her growth is most likely a result of her genetics. Portion sizes, could also be a factor. We'll continue to work on bringing down her portion sizes and getting more protein in every meal/snack. Her height and bone age study were pretty even, which leads him to believe that there are no other concerns. Although BMI is high, that will most likely even out as she continues to grow (late middle school, early high school). Follow up appointment in 6 months with another bone age study. 


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Busy Day!

Anthony, Kaycee and Izzy attended the Prospect High School's virtual Daddy/Daughter dance today. It was a YouTube video that they danced and sang with! Lots of fun! The girls got pretty make overs before presenting themselves to their Daddy! Daddy also even bought them a cake! 

This afternoon we all went outside to enjoy the snow! It was in the 40's, so it was pleasant to be out. Even Tilly loved the snow! Kaycee and Tripp discovered some huge icicles hanging off the back roof!  


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Kaycee's Haircut

Kaycee got a hair cut today at Cove Hair Salon! Erin did a great job! Even though they only trimmed the very edges, it should make her hair much easier to brush! Unfortunately, the other girls don't have enough hair for a hair cut!


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Long Day and Tilly's Allergist Appt


Today was a long day! We left the house at 10:30am and didn't come home until after 4. We first took Tripp to therapy. He loves Ms. Jeanne and she has done amazing work with home over the last 6 months. He is making huge improvements! While he was in therapy, I ran 2 errands. On our way to Mema and Papa's house, we stopped at the Dollar Store. I spent entirely too much money on small trinkets for the kids. But it was worth it, because they were all happy! Then we went and visited Uncle Jon at work, and bought a ton of Chick Fil A food!! Lunch with Papa at his house, before Tilly and I ran off to her doctor's appointment. 

It ended up being a bust of an appointment. She has been getting a red rash around her face after eating. We suspect a cow's milk allergy and are hoping to confirm it. After the 20 min prick test, the results were inconclusive. I didn't know it, but the medication that she takes each night is an antihistamine which stays in her system for up to 3 days. We have to go back next week to redo the prick test. (pray for us! If we take her off this medication, she might stop sleeping altogether!) 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Finally Warm Enough to Play in the Snow

It was finally warm enough to play in the snow today! Kaycee saw the temperature on the tv and screamed for joy! "It's 16 degrees outside!! We can go outside and play!" So they did. They were outside for about a half hour before Kaycee came in with a bloody nose. Knocking down icicles is dangerous work!

This afternoon we ran some errands. We were given a weighted blanket for Tripp as well as some Super Hero action figure, which ironically, the girls have been begging to play with. 

I also finished a cake today! 


Monday, February 15, 2021

It's a Monday

 Today was definitely a Monday. It's the first day of Kaycee's break and it was freezing. I doubt that the kids will be able to go outside at all this week, which will only make it longer!

We started the morning off with some school. Izzy threw a massive fit, which is the strangest thing to me. She loves school and loves learning, but recently she has been throwing fits when we sit down to do school work. I'm not sure if she doesn't want to share my attention or if she is just pushing her boundaries. Either way, she needs to cool her jets! 

Kaycee however had an excellent morning in math! She got her highest score on extra math this morning! She was so proud of herself, she jumped up and down and screeched over and over again! She even wanted a picture to send to her teacher! 

(Tilly did not eat any dairy tonight, but still got a rash. Nuggets, broccoli, blueberries and strawberries, macaroni and marinara sauce. Waiting for a call back from the allergist.)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was a mixed bag type of day. Although we had many moments of exciting Valentine's fun, we also had a few moments of "the Pandemic + the -Degree weather is driving all of nutso." 

The kiddos woke up to a few Valentine's goodies on the table! Kaycee had a container full of pencils, the kind where you pull the tip off and shove it in the bottom to get a new tip. She thought this was the best invention ever. I "forgot" to tell her that they were around when I was a kid. Tripp got a container full of slinkys. Izzy got some sand slime, which was actually pretty nifty. It felt like sand, but stayed together like slime! Tilly got a few new stretchy bracelets. GG's chocolate candy came with a cute teddy bear and Anthony got a few Sugar Free candies. Each person also got a love note from Mama and some Hershey Kisses. 

Breakfast was heart shaped pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream. I also learned to cut the strawberries and grapes into heart shapes too!  Frama and Frappy surprised us with heart shaped Krispy Kreme donuts! The kids were so excited! I may have eaten one too! 

The afternoon was challenging because the kids had so much pent up energy and since it was negative 5 degrees outside, I couldn't send them outside. They were at each other all afternoon and I finally had to send them to play separately. But we made it through without too much damage. (Let's not talk about the lump across the bridge of Tripp's nose where Izzy threw a Barbie at him)

Dinner tonight was home made heart shaped pizza. The fam bam used heart cookie cutters to shape their pizza dough and then topped it with pineapple and Canadian bacon or sausage! Then we finished dinner with tasty cupcakes that the Kacsh family brought us!