Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was a mixed bag type of day. Although we had many moments of exciting Valentine's fun, we also had a few moments of "the Pandemic + the -Degree weather is driving all of nutso." 

The kiddos woke up to a few Valentine's goodies on the table! Kaycee had a container full of pencils, the kind where you pull the tip off and shove it in the bottom to get a new tip. She thought this was the best invention ever. I "forgot" to tell her that they were around when I was a kid. Tripp got a container full of slinkys. Izzy got some sand slime, which was actually pretty nifty. It felt like sand, but stayed together like slime! Tilly got a few new stretchy bracelets. GG's chocolate candy came with a cute teddy bear and Anthony got a few Sugar Free candies. Each person also got a love note from Mama and some Hershey Kisses. 

Breakfast was heart shaped pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream. I also learned to cut the strawberries and grapes into heart shapes too!  Frama and Frappy surprised us with heart shaped Krispy Kreme donuts! The kids were so excited! I may have eaten one too! 

The afternoon was challenging because the kids had so much pent up energy and since it was negative 5 degrees outside, I couldn't send them outside. They were at each other all afternoon and I finally had to send them to play separately. But we made it through without too much damage. (Let's not talk about the lump across the bridge of Tripp's nose where Izzy threw a Barbie at him)

Dinner tonight was home made heart shaped pizza. The fam bam used heart cookie cutters to shape their pizza dough and then topped it with pineapple and Canadian bacon or sausage! Then we finished dinner with tasty cupcakes that the Kacsh family brought us! 

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