Thursday, February 18, 2021

Long Day and Tilly's Allergist Appt


Today was a long day! We left the house at 10:30am and didn't come home until after 4. We first took Tripp to therapy. He loves Ms. Jeanne and she has done amazing work with home over the last 6 months. He is making huge improvements! While he was in therapy, I ran 2 errands. On our way to Mema and Papa's house, we stopped at the Dollar Store. I spent entirely too much money on small trinkets for the kids. But it was worth it, because they were all happy! Then we went and visited Uncle Jon at work, and bought a ton of Chick Fil A food!! Lunch with Papa at his house, before Tilly and I ran off to her doctor's appointment. 

It ended up being a bust of an appointment. She has been getting a red rash around her face after eating. We suspect a cow's milk allergy and are hoping to confirm it. After the 20 min prick test, the results were inconclusive. I didn't know it, but the medication that she takes each night is an antihistamine which stays in her system for up to 3 days. We have to go back next week to redo the prick test. (pray for us! If we take her off this medication, she might stop sleeping altogether!) 

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