Monday, February 15, 2021

It's a Monday

 Today was definitely a Monday. It's the first day of Kaycee's break and it was freezing. I doubt that the kids will be able to go outside at all this week, which will only make it longer!

We started the morning off with some school. Izzy threw a massive fit, which is the strangest thing to me. She loves school and loves learning, but recently she has been throwing fits when we sit down to do school work. I'm not sure if she doesn't want to share my attention or if she is just pushing her boundaries. Either way, she needs to cool her jets! 

Kaycee however had an excellent morning in math! She got her highest score on extra math this morning! She was so proud of herself, she jumped up and down and screeched over and over again! She even wanted a picture to send to her teacher! 

(Tilly did not eat any dairy tonight, but still got a rash. Nuggets, broccoli, blueberries and strawberries, macaroni and marinara sauce. Waiting for a call back from the allergist.)

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