Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 165 - Pool Day

One of the last days at the swimming pool. All the kids are in school, so the pool was almost empty. We had the whole kiddy pool to ourselves! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 164 - Sarah and Miriam Visit

Sarah and Miriam came to visit today! It was wonderful to see them!! I can't wait for the girls to grow up together!! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 163 - Kirby Demonstration

Tonight I made a mistake and allowed Kirby to come out and demonstrate one of their vacuums. It was a mistake because I should have know that "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is." (famous words of Anthony)
They showed up early and started their demonstration right away. First thing I asked them was how long it was going to take and if it was possible to push it to an hour instead of an hour and a half. They agreed! (We were hoping to make it church for the end of summer grill out and possibly Feed My Starving Children with the teens) They showed the attachments, did some cleaning and grossed us out with the amount of dirt they sucked up. Then they talked our ear off cleaned the couch/bed mattress and vacuumed the floors.  They finally shampooed the two carpets. I was under the impression that they were not going to push hard for us to buy the machine... Yeah Right! I felt so bad saying no, but seriously! I can't afford $2000 for a vacuum. The real kicker... drum roll please... they didn't leave till 8:30pm.  3 HOURS plus they were here. There goes our night, we hadn't even eaten dinner.

(Kaycee fell asleep in Daddy's arms, during the vacuuming. It was past bed time!)

My prayer for today is for health and healing for Grammy! 

Panda With Grammy and Grama

Grammy had an appointment today that was supposed to give us some answers on some health issues that she's been dealing with for a very long time. Unfortunately, it didn't give us answers, just more tests to run... 
After the appointment we went to have lunch at Panda Express. Kaycee sat up in a high chair, almost the whole time. She started to eat the high chair, so I picked her up and gave her to Grama. I walked away for 30 seconds and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. We're really going to have to do something about this attachment issue. 

(I'm not really sure what plans I should keep a secret. Thoughts?)


I can't get enough of this smiley face! I love that she now laughs and smiles at other things than just my face or Anthony's. She can look into the camera and smile, or look at someone else and laugh. She's becoming more and more animated every day! 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 162 - Burned Baby

I think I burned my baby. I came home from the chiropractor and Anthony was making dinner. I scooped Kaycee up from her Bumbo chair and was holding her on my right side, near the over (which was on). I felt some heat on my hand (that was under her bottom) and commented to Anthony, "Oh, that's warm," and turned away. Later, at the dinner table, I noticed a red spot on Kaycee's leg. I thought it was weird, but possibly just the red spot you get when you cross your bare legs for a while. After dinner Kaycee took a cat nap. When she woke up the spot was still there. I texted Susie and she sent me to Walgreens for burn cream. 

The weird thing about this story is that Kaycee NEVER cried or screamed. Never, not once did she complain that I had burnt her. Not when it happened, not after, later in the night. Never once did she even acknowledge that something was physically wrong with her body.

The Walgreens pharmacist suggested leaving it alone; Susie agreed. So I left it alone over night, praying that it wouldn't blister by morning. Fortunately, it did not. Some ointment and a bandaid to keep it moist! Poor baby, except I'm not even sure she knew it happened...

My prayer for today is healing for Kaycee and no scarring please!! 

Good Luck At School Everyone

I spent the morning texting a bunch of my old coworkers. Today was their first teacher institute day. They're prepping their classrooms and learning all the new tips and tricks for this school year. I have to be honest and say that I miss teaching a little bit. To clarify, I miss teaching. I miss students, seeing them learn and pick up on knowledge. I miss coworkers, collaboration and fun. I miss organizing, planning and prepping. I do NOT miss the politics. I do NOT miss being told what and how I can teach. I do NOT miss the negative attitudes and the constant negative behavior. I'm happy to be home with my peanut!!! 

Yummy Toes

If you didn't know, I don't like feet. I was dreading the day when Kaycee would stick her toes in her mouth. It's here. :(

Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 161 - Goodnight Grammy

Tonight after dinner, it was night night time for Kaycee. She spent the end of her night playing with Grammy. It's so good for Grammy and Kaycee both. I know that this is what God's plan was for our lives in this moment! 

My prayer for today is that Kaycee grows up knowing how wonderful her Grammy is! 

Friends Date

Today our friends Sarah and Miriam came over to visit. Miriam is bigger every time I see her (which I guess is to be expected)! Unfortunately she wasn't feeling to well when they first got here and was pretty fussy. I wish there was a magic spell that would tell us exactly what they child needs, so that we could take care of it right away. After a nap she woke up as happy as could be!! It's so wonderful to see my best friend! I need some girl time, once in a while!! 

Morning Snuggles

I would snuggle this baby all day long, if I could get away with it. In the mornings after she eats breakfast, we snuggle on the big comfy chair in her room. Usually, we laugh and smile at each other and I drown her in kisses. But this morning she was up and talking like there was no tomorrow. I wish I knew what she was saying, she has so many things to say. She's going to be a talker for sure! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Days 159/160 - Lazy Days Camping

This weekend we finally went camping!! Anthony, Kaycee and I went with Grama and Grampa to Lazy Days Campground in West Bend, WI! It was fantastic! I love camping and wish that we went more often! 

Friday night we left a little later than we wanted to, due to some unforeseen car trouble for my mom. We went to Steak N Shake for dinner and then got on the road for our 2 hour car trip. Kaycee slept the beginning of it, but of course when it got dark and the fog came out she woke up and screamed. Thank goodness that Anthony was driving, because it might have caused me to panic. He did great though and we made it safely! We put up our tents and called it a night! Kaycee woke up in the middle of the night, which was a tricky situation since we were in a tent and had close neighbors. But we handled it and she went back to sleep rather quickly. 

Saturday morning started with some snuggles on Momma and Daddy's air mattress. Then pancakes, bacon and fruit for breakfast. Kaycee and Momma went to Diana's baby shower in Shawano, WI and had a blast.  It was wonderful to see Diana and to celebrate the gift inside her! We can't wait to meet the little man!! Then back to the campground for dinner and a campfire. While Kaycee and Momma were gone, Daddy, Grampa and Grama went on some adventures looking for good fishing lakes. Unfortunately they didn't find any, but did find a cool tower! Dinner was hamburgers, brats, chicken, potatoes, corn and campfire pies for dessert. The office sold us wet wood, which caused for a long drawn out process to start a campfire. But it was worth it in the end. 

Sunday morning was a lazy morning with cinnamon rolls, coffee cake and cereal for breakfast. Campfire building, and taking down camp. After we were all packed up we went to the lake, and again no good fishing spots. So we went to Culver's in town and played games. Anthony, Kaycee and I finished the night out at Noodles with Amy O. We're really going to miss her when she moves. :(  

My prayer for today is that we spend more family time together camping! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 158 - Potty Training

Today Kaycee was grunting and pushing like she was trying to poop. We have been struggling with constipation and so I thought maybe she just wanted to be a big girl. I put her on the toilet and... drum roll please... nothing happened. Of course! 
But we spent our day packing and getting ready for camping. We're so excited!! Maybe she'll poop while we're camping! 

My prayer for today is that Kaycee starts to poop again without constipation symptoms! 

Shower Buddy

I find its much easier and less time consuming to shower with this little peanut. At least for now. Then she sits in her bouncy seat and plays with her toys or toes while I finish my shower. It's a win win for everyone! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 157 - Cake Decorating Buddy

Tonight's final task was decorating two cakes. One for Arlena's wedding shower and one for an unbirthday party at Sunday School. I was particularly proud of this Veggie Tales Cake. Kaycee had to sit in her bumbo on the chair, instead of the table, so that she wouldn't grab the cake. 

My prayer for today is for a loving healthy marriage for Arlena! 

Aldi Shopping

Today was the final shopping for camping. We were in charge of breakfast (pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit and cinnamon rolls, coffee cake and cereal) and desserts (campfire pies and smores). We also brought lemonade and some other various snack foods.  Kayce is big enough to sit in the cart, but she needs to be propped up on the sides. We stopped at Walgreens on our way home to get a few items for Grammy.

Door Bouncer

She's closer to being ready for the door bouncer. I sometimes forget that I have it, because it doesn't stay up in the doorway all the time. But she really likes it and I should start using it more, now that she's more coordinated.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 156 - Dancing With Daddy

Tonight I came around the corner and found Anthony dancing with Kaycee while singing "Butterfly Kisses" (the song that I danced with my dad too, at our wedding!)

Happy Girl

Enough Said!