Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 162 - Burned Baby

I think I burned my baby. I came home from the chiropractor and Anthony was making dinner. I scooped Kaycee up from her Bumbo chair and was holding her on my right side, near the over (which was on). I felt some heat on my hand (that was under her bottom) and commented to Anthony, "Oh, that's warm," and turned away. Later, at the dinner table, I noticed a red spot on Kaycee's leg. I thought it was weird, but possibly just the red spot you get when you cross your bare legs for a while. After dinner Kaycee took a cat nap. When she woke up the spot was still there. I texted Susie and she sent me to Walgreens for burn cream. 

The weird thing about this story is that Kaycee NEVER cried or screamed. Never, not once did she complain that I had burnt her. Not when it happened, not after, later in the night. Never once did she even acknowledge that something was physically wrong with her body.

The Walgreens pharmacist suggested leaving it alone; Susie agreed. So I left it alone over night, praying that it wouldn't blister by morning. Fortunately, it did not. Some ointment and a bandaid to keep it moist! Poor baby, except I'm not even sure she knew it happened...

My prayer for today is healing for Kaycee and no scarring please!! 

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