Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 185 - Zurich Cake

This afternoon Anthony sent me a text asking if I wanted to make a cake tonight. Tomorrow he's floor is having a party to congratulate a coworker on 25 years at the company. He volunteered a cake. So I baked in the afternoon and decorated at night. I enjoy decorating cakes. I think that if I ever opened a shop somewhere I would hire someone to bake the cakes for me. I would love to work just with buttercream. 
I did however dable with fondant earlier this month and had some left over. I made a fondant banner and wrote in buttercream on it. It came out great for my first try! 

My prayer for today is for Anthony's job. I pray that he continues to move up the ladder until he finds a job that he is happy with and that he doesn't settle for something else just for money! 

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