Thursday, May 14, 2015

Goodwill, library, throw up

Daddy was home this morning. We thought he might have had pink eye last night, so we took precaution. We put eye drops in his eyes and this morning he stayed home just in case. When Kaycee and I woke up we decided he was probably ok to go into work. So after breakfast (paninis) Anthony went to work and Kaycee and I headed towards the library to meet up with our friends. We stopped at Goodwill to wait for Molly so we could ride together! We shopped for a while and I found 3 maternity dresses that are absolutely perfect and exactly what I had wanted but knew I was never going to spend the money for! 
When Molly and Truett got there, we shopped some more and then headed off to the library. I drove! When we walked into the library, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I practically tossed Kaycee into Molly's arms and ran to the bathroom. I just barely made it to the toilet before I threw up all my breakfast. The ladies were wonderful about it and never blamed me for coming out when I was sick (clearly I had no idea I was sick when I left the house this morning). 
I spent the rest of the day curled up on the couch with pretty severe stomach cramps. I did call my doctor just to make sure everything was ok with the baby. He assured me that as long as the cramps were in my stomach (high right under my rib cage) I was fine. If any pain moved closer to the baby, I needed to call him back. I'm praying I feel better soon!

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