Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hand Blisters and Special Mommy/Daddy Shows

Kaycee was reading to Trippy in her chair in her bedroom, when she started to cry. I came in and asked her what happened and she told me Trippy bit her. I asked where and she showed me on her foot. I pretended to kiss it and snuggle her and she admitted that she was fine. That's when I saw it... I asked her what was on her hand. She picked up the wrong hand, looking it all over, asking what I was talking about. On her right hand there is a HUGE blister on the outside of her pinky finger and a smaller blister on the outside of her pointer finger. I sent a picture to Susie who thought it was a burn. I knew it wasn't because Kaycee never burned herself. If she had burned herself bad enough to get a blister this bad, I would have known, there would have been some tears. So I called the doctor. He cut me off mid-sentence and told me he needed to see her. So I piled the kids into the car and took them straight to the doctors office. Dr. Charles took one look at it and told me it was a Staph Infection (which sounds worse than it is, it's just the most common form of skin infection). He gave us a prescription for meds and sent us on our way. Fortunately, she doesn't even know it's there. She doesn't feel it and it doesn't hurt or itch. 
We spent the rest of the day doing Kaycee things, crafts, playing outside, eating tasty treats. She even got to stay up late and watch "Momma and Daddy's Show" (America's Got Talent). 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Library Fun, Poop Painting

The kiddos had so much fun at the library today. They played in the children's play area, picked out new books (even some electronics) and read more books. They always enjoy the library! 
The real fun came as a surprise in the form of poop paint, after nap. The kids went to sleep right away (at least I thought they did because it was silent), so I had no reason to walk back towards the bedrooms till the end of nap. As I walked back to get Tripp I smelled an awful poop smell and knew it was coming from Kaycee's room. What I didn't know was the magnitude of the destruction. She had painted her crib and walls with her poop. Giant piles of poop and finger smears all over. She must have done it before she fell asleep because it was dried on her fingers and dried to the crib/wall. It took me an hour of scrubbing with a scrub brush and kitchen cleaner to get it cleaned. I waited until Daddy got home to get her up and put her in the bathtub, to make sure I had help when trying to clean it all up. 
To make this story better, we hosted small group tonight. So getting cleaned up and ready for everyone to be here was set back a little by the hour of poop clean up. Fortunately, small group went well without any problems! 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Standing Trippy

TRIPPY's making progress! He's getting better and better at standing by himself. He can get himself to a standing position in the middle of the room without any assistance now. Maybe that means walking is coming soon?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last Day at the Dunes

Today was probably the slowest breaking of camp ever. Yesterday was such a long, hot, awesome day that we were all tired and totally worn out today. So it took us ALL morning to pack up. I mean all morning. There were lots of sitting breaks in the shade to catch our breath and get out of the sun. We finally got completely packed up as the DNR guy came around to make sure everyone was out of their campsites. We headed to lunch with Tom and Becky and then home to unpack and start laundry. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is covered in sand. Can you imagine sand at the Michigan Dunes? Well it's everywhere. The kids needed a bath in the worst way and all of our clothes (clean or dirty) needed a wash to get rid of the dirt and sand. I had to drain the bath water twice before it was clean enough to actually wash the kids. What a great weekend though!