Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last Day at the Dunes

Today was probably the slowest breaking of camp ever. Yesterday was such a long, hot, awesome day that we were all tired and totally worn out today. So it took us ALL morning to pack up. I mean all morning. There were lots of sitting breaks in the shade to catch our breath and get out of the sun. We finally got completely packed up as the DNR guy came around to make sure everyone was out of their campsites. We headed to lunch with Tom and Becky and then home to unpack and start laundry. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is covered in sand. Can you imagine sand at the Michigan Dunes? Well it's everywhere. The kids needed a bath in the worst way and all of our clothes (clean or dirty) needed a wash to get rid of the dirt and sand. I had to drain the bath water twice before it was clean enough to actually wash the kids. What a great weekend though!

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