Saturday, May 31, 2014

Zoe's birthday Party

Then we went to Zoe's birthday party. I made Zoe matching skirts with Emily and Kaycee. It was a great gift! The girls put them on right away!! Unfortunately, Emily's got ripped while jumping on the trampoline. Molly to the rescue! She fixed it right up before church tomorrow! 

Day 74 - Caleb's Baseball Game

Today was busy! We started at Caleb's baseball game. It was HOT and SUNNY! I didn't have sunscreen or a sun hat for Kaycee, so we had to get creative. I found an orange cat umbrella, a large white towel and a Jesus Is My Boss hat in the trunk of my car. They all came in handy!! 

Then we went back to the Smith's house and Kaycee snuggled up on Daddy to fall asleep! 

My prayer for today is that we spend many days out in the sun watching our kids play sports!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 73 - Mommas School Field Trip

Today Momma took a walking field trip to Culvers with her students. It was about 3 miles round trip. My students did a great job walking and it turned out to be a lot of fun! 

My prayer for today is that Momma and Kaycee get to take fun field trips while Momma is staying home with her.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 72 - Sewing Project

Momma's being creative again! Sweet Zoe's birthday party is coming up and I wanted to give her something super special. So, of course I contact Aunt Molly to ask her what Zoe would absolutely love. Her suggest: a matching skirt with Kaycee. My response: consider it done!! I even made one for Emily too! So, today after school I ran by Joann Fabrics and picked out a pink (yes pink) flowery pattern. This was the most difficult part of the whole project, picking out fabric... Nothing that totally stuck out to me, yet at the same time there were so many I could have chosen. I knew that I could have picked one of many different fabrics and the girls would have loved it! 

Then I came home and in the midst of feeding Kaycee, snuggling Kaycee, helping with dinner and playing with Kaycee I sewed three skirts! Thank you Mrs. Brown and Kynsey for keeping Kaycee occupied while I sewed like a Mad-Woman.  

My prayer for today is that Kaycee becomes an independent girl but yet still loving to be around Momma. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 69 - Memorial Day

We spent Memorial Day at Grammy's working on the yard and in the nursery. Anthony and I spent most of the time taking shelves off the wall and a built in desk/cabinet off the wall. We're going to paint and end up putting the crib on the wall.  

Then Anthony and Dad cooked brats and sausages on the grill, Mom mad fruit salad, green salad and potato salad. I made blondies for dessert. It was super tasty!! 

After Grammy's Anthony and I went to Smiths to enjoy a cook out with the Smiths, the Carris' and with the Millers. It was also yummy and we were stuffed!! 

My prayer for today is a prayer of thanksgiving for all those who have fought for our freedom! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 68 - Church

Momma took a big step today and let someone else hold Kaycee during church. Kaycee was great! Smiling and being quiet! Then after church the Spanish congregation hosted a potluck. YUMMY! Kaycee smiled and laughed for Gpa during lunch!! 

(smiling with Mrs. Dawn)

My prayer for today is that Kaycee loves church as much as her Momma and Daddy do.

Tired Zombie

Church wore her out today! She was so out that it didn't even bother her to have her head hung over to the front! We tried putting her head back several times, but it kept flopping forward. Hopefully, she doesn't have a kink in her neck! 

Date Night

For Mother's Day my parents gave me a card full of coupons for local restaurants. Anthony and I decided to use some of them tonight for a date. We left Kaycee home with Gma and Gpa and went out! 

We started at BWWs.

And ended up at Culvers for Ice Cream. 

We stopped at the Grocery store and at the Smiths house before we made it home. I fully expected a sleeping baby when we got there, but alas she was stubborn and decided not to sleep. I guess she just missed her Momma and Daddy! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 67 - Yummy Finger

Kaycee thinks Momma's finger is yummy! Everything Kaycee gets somehow ends up in her mouth. I wish that her thumb was a little bit fatter, then it might satisfy her. Now, she tries shoving her whole fist in her mouth. We're going to have to become a little bit more careful about what we allow her to have (germs and everything). Hopefully, this doesn't result in a sick little peanut. 

My prayer for today is that Kaycee stays a healthy little peanut! 

Daddy Kisses

Anthony has been feeling a little blue, because Kaycee typically starts to cry while he's holding her. But today she sat on his chest and played with him. They talked together and smiled together and she loved getting Daddy kisses. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 67 - Snuggling Gma and Gpa

Kaycee enjoyed snuggle time with both Gma and Gpa tonight. She needed a nap so badly, that she just snuggled in and fell asleep! It warms my heart to see how happy she makes her Gma and Gpa! I know that they love her just as much as I do! 

My prayer for today is a prayer of thanksgiving for a loving family! 

Happy Momma

Sometimes Kaycee smiles on command and other times she makes silly faces. Today was a silly face kind of day. But Momma is happy. Kaycee makes Momma happy! 

Starting To Grip

The doctor told us this week, that Kaycee would start gripping things and bringing them midline (towards her mouth). She fell asleep in her carseat on her adventure to Chick Fil A with Auntie Kyra. She was holding her giraffe when I came home from work! 

Sleepy Baby

I couldn't resist taking a picture of how cute she was snuggled on me today! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 66 - Homemade Skirt

Today during Kaycee's afternoon nap, I decided to make her a skirt. I decided to start after she went down for her nap, so I didn't measure her waist, soooo the skirt was too big. But it ended up sooooo cute! It's reversible, yellow on one side and black polka dots on the other! The waste was supposed to be an elastic band, but I didn't have any elastic. So I made it a tied bow instead.  I ended up sewing hook and eyes in so that I could make it smaller and she could wear it! 

My prayer for today is to learn more about sewing and create more cute outfits for Kaycee.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 65 - McTeacher Night

Tonight was McTeacher Night at McDonalds for S.C. Johnson. Any sales made between 4-7pm benefitted S.C. Johnson Elementary. Kyra, Kaycee, Anthony and I went an enjoyed some ice cream after dinner. Well, Kyra, Anthony and I enjoyed it, Kaycee slept the whole time! 

My prayer for today is that our family is supportive of whatever school she attends. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 64 - Getting Ready For Bath

Tonight Momma and Kaycee took another bath. Kaycee sat in her bumbo while Momma put on her swimming suit. She kinda looks like an old man sitting in her chair with her arm off to the side. It gave Momma a good laugh!

My prayer for today is that the bath's pay off and Kaycee likes swimming!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 63 - Auntie Kyra

Auntie Kyra is here this week! We're so excited for Auntie Kyra to play with Kaycee all week! They're going to have a great week; they started off with reading Very Hungry Caterpillar! 

My prayer for this week is that this week benefits Kyra and Kaycee!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 62 - Happy Church Girl

Kaycee is such a happy girl in the mornings. Today at church she smiled and cooed through the whole service. She was very distracting to all of the people sitting next to us, but still really cute! I love having pictures of Kaycee smiling and happy!! 

My prayer for today is that Kaycee continues to be a happy girl her whole life and doesn't struggle with negative thoughts about herself or life! 

Work Party Cake

Today I fulfilled a cake order for my dad. He ordered a cake for his work party! It's a funfetti cake with Aunt Jan buttercream icing. 

Grama snuggled Kaycee while Momma baked and decorated! Kaycee loves Grama!

My prayer for today is that Kaycee becomes an independent little girl that can entertain herself and doesn't need constant attention.  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 61 - Happy 2 Months!!

Today is Kaycee's 2 Month Birthday!! She has grown so much and is showing her bubbly personality! 

This Month:
- We learned that Kaycee does love to be swaddled and it helps her sleep longer.
- Kaycee started doing bedtime routine around 7:30p.
- Kaycee started to make happy cooing noises (even saying "Hi")
- Kaycee started to grow out of newborn clothes, but doesn't quite fit into 0-3 month stuff.
- Kaycee settled into a 3-4 hour routine and eats about 3oz in a sitting.
- Kaycee can hold her head up for a few min at a time and has started to sit in her Bumbo seat.
- Kaycee loves her swing, to be snuggled and talking! 

My prayer for today is a prayer of thanksgiving for a wonderful 2 months of life! Thank you Lord for a beautiful 2 month old peanut! 

Zoe ballet

Today the Neal family went to Zoe's ballet! She danced in 2 dances and was perfect in each! We're so proud of you Zoe!!