Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 56 - Clever Momma

Ever heard of a Wubbanub? They're nifty little stuffed animals with a pacifier attached to the end. They looked so neat and had a cute little giraffe. I almost ordered one on the spot! However, I'm crafty... I could make one myself. Miss Taylor and I explored all of our stuffed animal options and decided we would try this giraffe/blankie first to see if it works. If so, I'll make it more permanent! 

She seems to enjoy it. She isn't quite capable of grasping the stuffed animal to hold the paci, but she also doesn't knock the paci out of her mouth as often. 

My prayer for today is that it's not much longer until Kaycee can grasp items and hold the paci in her mouth by herself! 

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