Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 72 - Sewing Project

Momma's being creative again! Sweet Zoe's birthday party is coming up and I wanted to give her something super special. So, of course I contact Aunt Molly to ask her what Zoe would absolutely love. Her suggest: a matching skirt with Kaycee. My response: consider it done!! I even made one for Emily too! So, today after school I ran by Joann Fabrics and picked out a pink (yes pink) flowery pattern. This was the most difficult part of the whole project, picking out fabric... Nothing that totally stuck out to me, yet at the same time there were so many I could have chosen. I knew that I could have picked one of many different fabrics and the girls would have loved it! 

Then I came home and in the midst of feeding Kaycee, snuggling Kaycee, helping with dinner and playing with Kaycee I sewed three skirts! Thank you Mrs. Brown and Kynsey for keeping Kaycee occupied while I sewed like a Mad-Woman.  

My prayer for today is that Kaycee becomes an independent girl but yet still loving to be around Momma. 

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