Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 61 - Happy 2 Months!!

Today is Kaycee's 2 Month Birthday!! She has grown so much and is showing her bubbly personality! 

This Month:
- We learned that Kaycee does love to be swaddled and it helps her sleep longer.
- Kaycee started doing bedtime routine around 7:30p.
- Kaycee started to make happy cooing noises (even saying "Hi")
- Kaycee started to grow out of newborn clothes, but doesn't quite fit into 0-3 month stuff.
- Kaycee settled into a 3-4 hour routine and eats about 3oz in a sitting.
- Kaycee can hold her head up for a few min at a time and has started to sit in her Bumbo seat.
- Kaycee loves her swing, to be snuggled and talking! 

My prayer for today is a prayer of thanksgiving for a wonderful 2 months of life! Thank you Lord for a beautiful 2 month old peanut! 

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