Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Dinner

Easter was fantastic! We started off at church for our Easter service, a great ending to our weekend of church activities! Then the Easter Egg hunt! (which was rudely interrupted by a pulled fire alarm, but funny enough worked out in our favor to get everyone outside quickly for the egg hunt). Kaycee didn't quite understand the idea of picking up eggs and putting them into her bucket, but she sure had fun with the few we gathered for her.  Then a small lunch provided by the church, cookie decorating (more like eating) and coloring contest. Afterwards we almost made it out of the building when I realized I had lost my phone; took us 30 minutes to find, but finally we did in Mom's classroom.
Then home to cook and prepare Easter Dinner! So thankful to spend Easter afternoon with family and friends. Jamey's friend from school was here and Alaina came over to celebrate with us! Dinner was delicious!
Kaycee had a great time playing in Grama and Grampa's tupperware cabinet, in the same dress I wore and mom wore when we were her age! So special for her to get to wear it (although I was totally nervous for her to play in it, fear of ripping it).

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