Saturday, October 31, 2015


Today was an exciting day filled with Trick or Treating and friends! Anthony and I took the kids to Woodfield Mall to participate in their Trick or Treating event. It was ridiculously crowded. There were so many people everywhere. Most of the costumes were super cute, some cheesy and some weird or non exsistant. There were so many people that we spent a while standing in line at the different stores waiting for a piece of candy. I'm glad we went, though. 
Then we went to the Carris's to Trick or Treat with them, Voigts, Smiths and Alaina! It was a blast to walk around with our friends, get some yummy candy, eat some delicious chili and spend time with friends! I'm so thankful for our friends! 

Friday, October 30, 2015


After a long day of playing and playing, therapists and more playing, Daddy came home early!  We celebrated by shopping at Target and then dinner out at noodles. I love impromptu family dates! 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

DJ Visit/Locked In The Bathroom/Baby Shower Cake/Broken Dishwasher

DJ came to visit today! It is always a welcome break to have another adult in the house to play with. This time I got to stick around and talk with DJ (instead of running off to an appointment or something else).  Unfortunately, DJ had to teach me how to take the door handles off a bathroom door today, when Kaycee locked herself in Grammy's bathroom. I stayed calm until the handle came off and the locking mechanism was still locked. Then I panicked. DJ came to the rescue and let Kaycee out! Thanks DJ!!
I somehow forgot that I had agreed to make a cake for Sarah's friends baby shower, until she texted me to ask when was a good time to pick the cake up. I then quickly threw a cake in the oven, let it cool 10 min on the counter, tossed it in the fridge to cool, whipped up some icing and decorated that bad boy! I would say that it was a beautiful cake when all was said and done! 
After making a ton of dishes, I figured out that our dishwasher BROKE. It's broken and not washing dishes. Oh bother. So after spending 45 minutes on the phone with my dad, flipping fuzes on and off, searching for a new fuze box, finally finding the one that goes to the dishwasher, realizing that it didn't fix the issue and then being seriously disappointed, we still don't have a working dishwasher. Time to buy a new one, I guess...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day At Home/Speech Therapist

These cute glasses came from Paisley and Ryleigh at the Sunshine School Halloween party. So we spent the day at home playing with these cute glasses! The Speech Therapist came back today and we discussed some questions that I had. She'll call my mom tomorrow, then we can make a decision and move forward to make Grammy the most comfortable she can be. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Momma's Doc. Appt/Sunshine School Halloween Party

I took Kaycee and Tripp with me to my 6 week follow up appointment with Dr. Springer. It went really well and she told me that I was healed and ready to go! I really like Dr. Springer and I'm so thankful that God allowed me to deliver with her! I hope to deliver all my future children (however many that will be) with her!
Then we went to Sunshine School to participate in their Halloween Party. Kaycee enjoyed a snack with the kids and then got to participate in their Trick or Treat circle. She mostly wanted to play in Mema's classroom. Hopefully, next year when she starts Sunshine School she'll be a little more mature and ready to sit still!