Wednesday, October 14, 2015

4 Week Check Up/Pics with Papa/Family Date Night

Today we went to see Doc. Mike for Tripp's 1 month check up. He weighed in at 12lbs 1oz (95th%tile) and 24"long (off the charts). That's our big boy!! He's pretty much perfect in every way! After the appointment we went to Papa's house to have Tripp's 1 month pics taken. He was very cooperative, sitting on the bear, eyes wide open and looking at the camera! Pics to come! 
Tonight we had a family date night. We went to Goebberts to pick a pumpkin to carve. We didn't stay and play, just picked a pumpkin. Kaycee picked a good one! Then we stopped at Steak N Shake for dinner. Kaycee enjoyed her hat and Steak N Shake car! I'm so blessed to have a sweet little family! 

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