Sunday, October 11, 2015

Church/Baking Cookies/Sewing Project

After church today, Kaycee and I "fixed" her swing in the back yard. I added a log to the side of the branch so that the swing would swing from the same height. It worked, except I wasn't able to secure the log as tightly as it needed and so the swing does rock a bit. I need a big strong man to tightly secure the log! Then Kaycee and I came inside and made some cookies. She just starting to help Momma in the kitchen. She mostly wanted to eat the raw ingredients, that's my little grazer. Later after the kids went to bed, I did a sewing project. I accidentally ordered wet bags that were WAY too big for the little trash can in Tripp's room where we put dirty diapers. So I cut it in half and sewed it up, making 2 wet bags instead!

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