Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 228 - Halloween

Today is Halloween!!!! Kaycee and I spent the day baking a birthday cake for Sunday. Grandma came over in the afternoon and worked on some projects around the house and stayed with Grandma tonight while we went to trick or treat with the Carris's and Smiths.  
The funniest part of trick or treating with a 7 month old, is that people would honestly try to find some candy in their bowls that she could eat. It was priceless. After trick or treating we went back to the Carris house and ate dinner, watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin and the football game. Kaycee stayed up the whole time and was perfect! When we finally left around 10:30p, the poor baby fell asleep as soon as her head hit the car seat! 

My prayer for today is for safety for all the families trick or treating tonight!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 227 - Caleb's Playoff Game

Tonight was Caleb's first Middle School basketball game and his playoff Football game.  Anthony went to both games and I went to just the football game. Chris was out of town and so Caleb needed an extra loud cheering squad! It was me, Anthony, Kaycee, Susie and Rob. Caleb played well until the 4th quarter when another player hit his head and popped the hard plastic piece out, from inside the padding in his helmet and made him bleed. He had a headache and so he didn't go back into the game. Lions WON!! Next game is for the championship!!

I pray for Caleb's head, that there are no injuries!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 226 - New Toys

Some friends from Cardinal Drive have been giving Kaycee some great new toys. We're so thankful for all of the new toys, except maybe the noise making toys like the Elmo in the Chicken Suit singing and dancing to the Chicken Dance.... (thanks Molly)! She is really enjoying these two new toys. The toy at the top is adjustable, and currently we had it on the setting where she can play with it while sitting up. However, she is starting to try to pull herself up on it. This is particularly unsafe because it isn't sturdy and moves when she pulls on it, which is why my legs are around it! 

My prayer for our family is that we are not a materialistic family and that Kaycee can entertain herself without a bunch of toys around.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 225 - Getting Closer

It's amazing how close, yet so far, she is from crawling. She sits on her knees and hands and rocks back and forth over and over again. She'll get there soon. Today we spent most of our free time working on crawling. I help her move her hands and knees. Eventually when she's close enough to the toy, she flops down onto her face and grabs the toy. She'll get it eventually! 

My prayer for today is that Kaycee's brain is making all the connections it's supposed to be making, when it's supposed to be making them, whether that means crawling first or going straight to walking. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 224 - I Can Feed Myself

Kaycee started to feed herself Puffs today. This is a major accomplishment! It's going to be really helpful for Kaycee to be able to feed herself, so that we can all eat dinner at the same time. (instead Anthony typically feeds Kaycee and then when I'm done eating dinner, he passes her to me and I feed her while he eats dinner) Soon she'll be able to feed herself at the same time!


Grandma came over for a bit today. We planned a Thanksgiving menu and talked some business type things. But there was plenty of time for Kaycee to hand out with Grandma!! 

My prayer is that Kaycee and Grandma have a close bond and that Grandma is always there for Kaycee! 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 223 - Grammy and Marty

Today we had a pot luck at church, then we came home and Randy, Marty, Julie and Grammy were just getting home. We ran to Target, while they ate left over Chili and then came back and hung out with them. Marty was so happy to see Kaycee. She makes him so happy. I was so grateful to get some good pictures of the two of them! 

My prayer is that Kaycee gets to know Uncle Marty and gets to see him more often!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 222 - Caleb's Football Game

This afternoon we went to Caleb's football game. It was agains Elk Grove and was a little bit of a ridiculous game. Elk Grove chose to be in the Pack 10 league instead of the Big 10 and there for they are creaming all the other teams. This is the last game before play offs, and so the coach decided to forfeit the game half way through. It was the right decision, but some of the kids were upset.  After the game, we went to Krispy Kreme where the Smith's treated us to donuts. I had forgotten how yummy Krispy Kremes were. 
We went to Chili's for dinner on a family date. It was totally yummy, and Kaycee behaved for them most part. I had the sour cream enchilada and it was really tasty!!

My prayer for today is for Caleb's football team and their play offs next week!

Lazy Saturday Morning

This morning we spent some quality family time snuggling in bed and playing with Kaycee. I love Saturday mornings where we can relax, go slowly and spend quality time investing in each other. After that I took Grammy to her hair appointment and Anthony cooked breakfast. Then we all sat down together for a late breakfast/brunch! 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 221 - Ladies Game night

Tonight I went to Ladies Game Night at Dawn's house. The evening started at BWWs for dinner with Susie and Molly. It was awesome to be just us, no kids or husbands. It was too rushed, but it was awesome! Then we went to Dawn's house for snacks and games.  We played password. It's always interesting to get together and play games with the woman from Cardinal Drive! 

Then I went home and shared some peppermint white chocolate on pretzel sticks with Anthony. A great way to end the evening!! 

I pray that Anthony continue to be involved at Cardinal Drive, getting to know other members and fellowshipping! 

Normal Day

This is a nromal day in our life. Wake up, nurse, snuggle, play. Help Grammy get ready for the day, play in Grammy's room. Breakfast and playing at the table. Nap/house chores. Wake up snuggle, nurse, snuggle more. Lunch, play in Grammy's room. More snuggles, naps/more chores. Daddy gets home, family time, dinner. family time, bed. Mommy/Daddy time, bed! 

I love being a stay at home mommy! (If that wasn't obvious already!)