Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 228 - Halloween

Today is Halloween!!!! Kaycee and I spent the day baking a birthday cake for Sunday. Grandma came over in the afternoon and worked on some projects around the house and stayed with Grandma tonight while we went to trick or treat with the Carris's and Smiths.  
The funniest part of trick or treating with a 7 month old, is that people would honestly try to find some candy in their bowls that she could eat. It was priceless. After trick or treating we went back to the Carris house and ate dinner, watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin and the football game. Kaycee stayed up the whole time and was perfect! When we finally left around 10:30p, the poor baby fell asleep as soon as her head hit the car seat! 

My prayer for today is for safety for all the families trick or treating tonight!

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