Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 214 - Madison With The Meidams

Today Anthony took the day off and we met the Meidams in Madison at the zoo. It's a small zoo, but awesome just the same! We were early and so we sat in the front and watched the people go by and listened to the lion roar! We started off eating lunch under the tent and Kaycee got her first taste of pineapple, she's hooked! We walked around enjoying all the animals and the company. The orangatan was by far the most entertaining. She would climb to the top and then hang on to her bungee and jump down to the floor, bounce a few times and make us all laugh. Then she pulled her bungee down and would use it to grab leaves through the cage. Kaycee fell asleep in Kyra's arms! I am so excited that she's getting better with being held by other people when Anthony and I are around!!

After the zoo we drove to the Capital building and walked through it. Unfortunately, the last tour had taken off about a half hour before we arrived, but we were able to go up to the observation deck and take our time exploring each floor on the way down. 

After the capital building we went to a fun diner for dinner. It had moving toys all over the ceiling and walls. The food was deliecious! Kaycee sat with Mrs. Brown and she and Kynsey took turns feeding Kaycee. After ice cream and pictures, we took off for home. It was a great day!!

My prayer for today is for safety during our trip to Madison and great weather!

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