Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 229 - Halloween Party

Unfortunately Julie couldn't come this morning and so our relaxing morning was cut a bit short, but we had a great morning anyway. I took Grammy to her hair appointment and then home for breakfast and finishing the cake. After cleaning the house and getting ready, we were finally off to the Reinhard's Halloween party! 
Anthony was the King of Spades, I was the Queen of Spades and Kaycee was the 2 of Diamonds. I hand drew the cards and the backs and then hot glued ribbon to the top to hold it on ourselves. We wanted to defend our title of "Best Costume" but we came in close second to Emily, Ana, and Zoe, Elsa from the movie Frozen. The party was fun, the food was delicious (chipotle bowls) and the friends wonderful!!

My prayer for today is for many more great friends and fun evenings! 

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