Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 245 - 8 Month Doc. Visit

Today we went to see Dr. Mike for Kaycee's 8 month appointment. He said she's perfect! She weighed in at 15 lbs 12 oz (10th %tile),  28.5 in tall (75th %tile), 44.5cm head circumference ((80th %tile). She had to get a toe prick to draw a little blood for a blood test, but NO shots!! Her blood count was 35 (30-45 is normal range). She did great!! He said she'll be crawling any day and that she will be walking not too long after that. We should keep her on the laxative until at least the next appointment (at 10 months) and that she can eat anything except for raw honey and fish. Overall, he's really happy with her and says she's perfect!!

I am so thankful for my sweet baby Kaycee. She's growing up so quickly. I can't believe it's been 8 months already. Thank you God for Kaycee Lou!

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