Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 250 - Super China Buffet

Tonight Anthony and I ran some errands, which he was super ecstatic about doing. I needed to return multiple things and I wanted him to go with me. So we ended up deciding to go out for dinner too. We wanted to try India House restaurant, but it looked super fancy ((chandeliers and all...), which we thought might be a mistake with a tired baby. So we ended up at Super China Buffet. It ended up being a good choice. There were a fairly decent amount of choices, and some exotic ones at that. Anthony tried Frog Legs (his favorite item of the night), crawfish, crab legs, muscles and clams. I however tried chicken and broccoli, fried rice and egg rolls (I know I branch out soo much). Kaycee at mashed potatoes, sweet and sour chicken without the sauce and drank water out of a cup (because we left her sippy in the car). All in all a pretty decent night out!

Please God keep all of us healthy after eating enormous amounts of Chinese buffet food!

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