Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 254 - Lots Of Poop

Kaycee will probably be super embarrassed by this post one day, but it's too good to not share.  Grammy and I were sitting at the table working on some things, while Kaycee jumped away in her jumper. I started to smell a weird smell, but couldn't figure out what it was. I would lean forward and smell it; I would lean back and it would go away. It was completely confused. But I let it go. Some time later, Kaycee started to fuss and I went over to her to pick her up. I was greeted by an overwhelming amount of this smell; I was also greeted by this mess on the floor. She had pooped. And I mean pooped. Enough poop that it came out of her diaper and out of the onsie, through the lef hole of the jumper and down her leg, where she proceeded to jump in it, for only God knows how long. 
I picked her up and held her at arms length towards the bath tub. I turned the water on and stuck her rump underneath it. I took her onsie off (down her body, instead of over her head) and started to rinse the poop off. I was squatting in the tub and didn't realize that she had kicked the stopper in place and the tub was filling up with poopy water. When I realized it I quickly unstopped the tub, to let it drain, which it did NOT!! So I took her out and put her on the floor on a towel. We waited for the water to drain and I cleaned the kitchen floor. There was poop on the floor, on the wall, on the bag of potatoes, and on the computer cords. 
When the water was finally drained, the tub was full on mandarin orange bits, so I had to clean the tub before I could actually wash the baby. So finally after all of this I washed the baby with soap and water, lotioned her up and put the baby down for a nap. An hour late... Thanks Kaycee!

My prayer for today is that Kaycee gets some internal joy out of life and that this post doesn't come back to bite me in the rump one day!

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