Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 322 - Molly's Birthday Cake

 Today I finished up working on Molly's cake. I was going to make her a 3 tier cake, with a different cake flavor/filling flavor on each tier. I baked all the cakes, filled all the cakes and even got them stacked before disaster started to ruin my night. The cake totally fell apart. It was ridiculous. I threw the whole thing in the trash and started over at 8pm. I baked new cakes, waited for them to cool, filled, dirty iced, iced, decorated and finally put it in the fridge around 1am. It was totally worth it because it turned out fantastic!
Hopefully, the Super Bowl party doesn't get canceled tomorrow with the pending snow storm. I would be so sad for her not to have it on her birthday.

Getting My Hair Done

This afternoon I went over to Cindi's coworker's house to get my hair done. Kristen did highlights in my hair and colored Cindi's. Both of us look fantastic. Thank you Kristen for a job well done!!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 321 - Dinner Walk

Tonight I wanted some Indian food for dinner, so we went to the Clay Oven. We were going to take it home and eat with Grammy, but we were afraid it would be too spicy for Grammy. So we walked across Schaumburg/Plum Grove road to the subway to get Grammy a sub. Boy were we right. My food (which the lady assured us was mild) was just as spicy as Anthony's food. It was so spicy, that we couldn't tell which meal was Anthony's (his said spicy, on the menu) and which one was mine. I ended up running out to a subway near our house to grab a sandwich for me.
Needless to say that walk was so much fun and spontaneous for our cute little family!
Thank you God for safety on our walk, and spontaneity!

Playing playing

Toys, toys and more toys!

Not Napping

The picture says it all.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 320 - Snacking With Daddy

 Kaycee would like a snack after her afternoon nap, which usually lines up with Daddy's after work snack. So today, Kaycee sat on Daddy's lap and ate tortilla chips while Daddy ate his with Salsa! Adorable!
Thank you God for encouraging me to appreciate these normal daily moments, like this!  

Daily Fun

This is just a normal day in our house!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 319 - Pineapple Core

We used our pineapple corer today! Kaycee loved to chew on the pineapple core, eventually eating the whole thing. I'm not sure if it's ok to eat the core, but I can't imagine it's bad for you. Needless to say, she was so happy!
Please God, help me to teach my child good eating habits!

Pampered Chef

Pampered Chef came in today! I'm so excited for my products and to hand out everyone's stuff! I love Pampered Chef! I spent the afternoon sorting, organizing and packing into bags. Yay!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 318 - Bunco Night

Tonight was our off night for small group; instead Molly hosted Bunco night at her house. She had 3 tables set up (4 seats each) and we rotated through tables, never playing with the same partner or against the same team. It was so much fun! We were loud, silly and generally having a great time. It was great to hang out with ladies from our church, that I wouldn't normally hang out with outside of church. Thank you Molly, for hosting such an awesome night!

Thank you God for a wonderful church family!

Finding Daddys Stuff

 Kaycee found Daddy's stuff on his side of the bed this morning. She liked to throw things out of the basket on to the floor. She also liked to play with Anthony's dad's old phone and with Anthony's magic tricks. She's a little trouble maker.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 314 - Playing All Day

Just another normal day in our lives. Eating, playing and making trouble!
God please help us to have more normal days where we glorify you in all that we do, think and say!

Aldi Shopping

  Isn't she a cute grocery shopping assistant?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 313 - Bath Time

Thank you God for family and friends who take care of us and bless us with meals out!

Lone Star

After church we went out to Lone Star with the Smiths, Calhouns, Edna and Steve. Kaycee was quite cute sitting in her high chair (backwards) eating her grilled cheese. Thank you Smith's for a yummy lunch!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 312 - Panda After The Meet

After the meet we took Jamey out to eat at Panda Express. Kaycee had slept in the car and was very sweaty when we got there. Her hair gets super curly when she's sweaty. After eating a little bit, she played with Uncle Jamey. All 6 of us were squished into a booth meant for 4, so we were pretty cramped, but she didn't seem to mind. Her favorite toy of the night was a paper cup with a plastic lid and straw. Needless to say we had to take a new lid and straw home with us, to keep her occupied in the car!
Thank you God for Uncle Jamey and his swimming, please give him success in the rest of his season!