Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 321 - Dinner Walk

Tonight I wanted some Indian food for dinner, so we went to the Clay Oven. We were going to take it home and eat with Grammy, but we were afraid it would be too spicy for Grammy. So we walked across Schaumburg/Plum Grove road to the subway to get Grammy a sub. Boy were we right. My food (which the lady assured us was mild) was just as spicy as Anthony's food. It was so spicy, that we couldn't tell which meal was Anthony's (his said spicy, on the menu) and which one was mine. I ended up running out to a subway near our house to grab a sandwich for me.
Needless to say that walk was so much fun and spontaneous for our cute little family!
Thank you God for safety on our walk, and spontaneity!

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