Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 295 - Goose Egg

Today was a pretty laid back day at home.  Momma did housework and some sewing during Kaycee's naps. The adventure of the day was after dinner when Kaycee took a head first dive into the corner of the wall. She has a large goose egg on her forehead. Momma did take pictures and send it to almost everyone she knows, asking if Kaycee was going to be fine. After freaking out a bit (but not enough to rush her to ER, thank you!), I did allow her to go to bed. I'm not getting her up every 2 hours even though I kind of want to. It's great to be a new mom! 

Dear Jesus, please make Kaycee's goose egg go away. Please let her be ok and no lasting effects and help Momma's nerves to calm down!

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