Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 301 - No Nap!

Kaycee's first nap was an early one today, so I thought it might be a 3 nap day. That back fired...

I put Kaycee down for a nap around 12:30 (normal nap time is 2:30p). She cried and cried, so I finally went in after a 2 minute long coughing fit. I picked her up and she immediately snuggled down and went to sleep.  After waiting a few minutes, I put her down in her crib. She promptly woke up and started screaming again. After letting her cry for a while and another coughing fit, I went back in again. Repeat the whole thing several times to equal NO NAP! 
So when Anthony got home we all laid in bed together, but of course Kaycee was not interested in being quiet and still. She was up and playing around. It's going to be a long night.

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