Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tripp's Second Doc. Appt

Today was Tripp's second doctor's appointment. He's a week old!! My mom met us at the doctor to help me out! Kaycee was great, a little needy and clingy, but great! She's getting used to having a baby around. Tripp weighed in at 11lbs 3oz and 23" long. (The doc will give us %tiles next appointment!)  Doc. Mike said he's perfect, of course! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Grocery Shopping with 2 Littles

Day 2 home by myself, presented my first out of home challenge. I NEED to grocery shop. So off we went to the store. Christina clued my in on a little secret... the carts are big enough to put the car seat and a small child in the front seat!! What a relief!! So getting ready and leaving the house went smoothly, up until we got to the store... then it started to rain. So I unloaded the cute kids into the cart, in the rain with an umbrella, and an extra blanket. We shopped and shopped and looked cute/crazy! But, I got it done!! Thank God I got it done! 

Monday, September 28, 2015

First Day By Myself/Marathon Posters

Today was my first day home by myself with 2 kiddos. It went surprisingly smoothly. The biggest obstical we're working out is what to do with Kaycee while I'm nursing Tripp. So far, she's hung out it in his room with me. Which has it's pros and cons. Pro = I can see her and know what she's doing the whole time. Con = she wants my attention all the time, which has often resulted in books in Tripp's face. Otherwise, we're doing really well!! I'm loving being Mommy to 2 sweet precious babies!! 

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Today was Tripp's second church experience. This is his second church outfit (same pants but new sweater!). Alaina has been telling me, ever since I got pregnant, that she would hold Tripp when he was several month's old and could hold his head on his own. He is not several months old, and can not hold his head up, but she's holding him anyway! And she's loving it! 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Tripp's Newborn Photos

I love these pictures so much! I love our little family!! 
Thank you Amanda for such amazing photos!