Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Because I had tested positive for Group B Strep, I had to have 2 doses of the antibiotics before the baby came out. So last night when I arrived, they started the first dose and the second dose came at 5:30am. In between that time, I had dilated another cm and was really starting to feel contractions. So, when 5:30am rolled around and the second dose went into my IV, Dr. Springer broke my water and labor started to really pick up. At this point, my parents were at the hospital. ( I had called and asked them to be there before 5:30a because I knew that's when things were going to get started and I wanted them to be there. I had also tried to contact Molly and Susie but unfortunately, Molly's phone was acting up and she didn't get any of my messages until she woke up. She did make it for the heat of labor!) After my water was broken, contractions came mighty and strong. Just like Kaycee's labor they came in waves of several contractions at once, before giving me a break. I started off intense contractions in the bed on my back, but soon realized that wasn't going to work. So, instead I sat up in bed with my legs around the birthing ball and my arms/body leaning on it. The nurses were very kind to me but firm about having to check for baby's heart beat. Boy was that uncomfortable, but we made it through. I felt the urge to push around 7.5 cm dilated and the doctor assured me it was going to be sooner rather than later. The next time the doctor came in, I knew it was time. I told her I wanted to push and she said we could try it. (I found out later that I wasn't quite 10cm dilated and that if I didn't push the baby down with that first push, she would have made me stop. However, I pushed the baby down really far with the first push and so it was go time.) I watched as the doctor suited up and the nurses scrambled around to get dressed and ready for the baby to come. I knew it was time. (I don't remember that with Kaycee, but I surely wasn't paying attention then either.) After 3 or 4 sets of pushes the baby was crowning, I asked the doctor to pull the baby out and she agreed to pull him out after I got the head out. So on the next push that's just what I did. Push #1 got the head out and push #2 got the body out. He was here!! 

Anthony Terrance Neal III, aka Tripp, was born at 9:13am and was 9lbs 15 oz and 23in long. 

It felt like it took forever to finish the after birth/stitching up part, but I know it wasn't that long. I just wanted to hold my precious bundle of joy! He was perfect and watching Anthony and my family get to hold him and take pictures and love on him was wonderful! I cried! A little while later, after things had settled down it was time to head up to the recovery room. On our way to the elevator we heard the lullaby music over the speaker system that was for our precious boy!

Other than being really sore, I had one extra complication that I didn't experience with Kaycee. I had pushed so hard that I strained my core muscles and they didn't want to support my body when I was standing up. Sitting or laying was totally fine, but standing up to use the bathroom was a nightmare. I couldn't breath out and I could hardly stand to walk to the bathroom. It was a little scary but I was assured that it would get better soon! So we spent the rest of the day in the recovery room with family and friends! 

He's perfect and I can't stop looking at him. 

I'm sad I don't have a picture of Tripp and Dr. Springer :( 

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