Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Playing at the Park/Olive Garden/BABY TIME

I'm still praying. Correction, I'm begging God to send me into labor naturally. The day goes by and nothing is happening. Emotionally I'm exhausted, but God's got this in his hands. I know it!

Kaycee and I went to the park this morning. I'm hoping some walking will get this baby out! She played and played until her heart was content! Then we walked the long way home. More walking should do the trick, right?

This morning I got a phone call from Dr. Springer's nurse, Heather. She essentially asked me if there was any excuse I could use to come into the hospital. After apologizing several times that they wouldn't schedule my induction for tonight, we hung up with the understanding that if anything, I mean ANYTHING, happened I was to call them back. 

I decided to try acupuncture. I wasn't sure that my doctor would be ok with it, so I called Heather back. After giving me some ideas for inducing labor at home, (some I had already tried), she agreed that acupuncture was a good idea and gave me the thumbs up to try it. She also told me that if I was feeling decreased movement, that was another reason to come into the hospital. (What I didn't know at the time, was that Dr. Springer was looking for an excuse for me to come in, because even though they couldn't schedule the induction, if I came in on my own she could keep me and induce me.)  So, off I went to acupuncture. Dr. Dana did a great job of finding all the right spots, even brought out her book just to make sure she was getting all the right spots. And it seemed to work, at least a little. I had a contraction on the acupuncture table and one contraction on the way home!!

However, that was it and so I decided to still go to Olive Garden for dinner with the ladies from church.  Anthony was going to ACES and so Papa was at our house to babysit. Olive Garden was a ton of fun! It was awesome to sit and chat with friends without feeling the time constraint of church or small group. However, it was a tad bit difficult to stay focused on conversations because every once in a while I would have another contraction. After about 4 hours at Olive Garden I had had 7 or 8 contractions. On my way home, Anthony and I agreed to call the doctor. So I had Dr. Springer paged. After explaining my situation (honestly of course, because I was not in active labor and my contractions were far apart and not intense at all) Dr. Springer told me to come in. 

So, I got home, packed up our stuff, took our sleeping baby to the car and away we went. After dropping Kaycee off at Donna's house we were on our way to the hospital and the second guessing/doubts crept in. I was sure I was making the wrong decision to go in. I was going to be wasting the nurses time. They were going to send me home. I wasn't in labor at all.  So we arrive at the ER door and they set me up in a wheel chair. A tech comes down and wheels me up to a labor room and in walks the nurse and Dr. Springer. She was here, in my room, before I even got undressed! So I changed into a gown, they put on the monitors and Dr. Springer checked me. I WAS 4 CM DILATED and CONTRACTING without even knowing it. I WAS IN LABOR, naturally in labor!!!!! It's baby time everyone!

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