Saturday, September 12, 2015

Contractions/Day of Play

Last night was pretty intense. After a prenatal massage, I went into false labor. I had 4 hours of consistent contractions that I thought were getting closer together and stronger. They also were not going away no matter what I did. Anthony and I thought that Baby was coming. We knew that if we were really going into labor, we needed all the rest we could get. So we called it a night. After being to hyped up to fall asleep until 2:30am, I finally woke up at 8:30am with no more contractions and knew that it had been false labor. It was emotionally devastating.  I was emotionally drained and in need of a significant distraction. 
So we went to Volkening Park and took a long walk around the lake and stopped at the outdoors work out area to "play." Then we went off to a church fall festival where we played in the petting zoo area and on the blow up toys. Kaycee didn't really get the hang of the bouncy house but she sure enjoyed the slide. The first time up the slide she got stuck near the top of the stairs and needed some help crossing to the other side and going down the slide. Momma had to climb up there and help her. It was super fun, 39 weeks preggo! 
Overall, today ended up being a good day and taking my mind off the events of last night.  

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