Monday, September 14, 2015

Play Kitchen/Doctor's Appt./Kissing Baby/Rocking Horse

Kaycee had not seen the play kitchen until this morning and was extra excited for her new toy. She wanted to keep playing with it no matter what. She wouldn't even come into the kitchen for breakfast. I finally had to bribe her with a cheese stick for breakfast, in order to get her to eat. 

DJ came about 10am to watch Kaycee while Anthony and I went to our doctor's appointment. Kaycee and DJ walked to the park and played for a while, played with the kitchen, ate lunch and napped before I got home! Thanks DJ for playing so hard with Kaycee!! 

Baby Boy Neal is measuring at 9lbs and 12 ozs according to the ultrasound tech. They can be wrong about a pound in either direction which means that he could be as small as 8lbs 10 ozs or as big as 10lbs 14ozs. He's HUGE!! Because of his size, the doctor recommends that we induce sooner rather than later.  The way it works is they would insert a Cervidil tablet at night which would start labor enough to open the cervix a little. Then the next morning they would take it out, break my water and start Pitocin to start the contractions. I would deliver sometime that day. Ideally we would schedule our induction for Tuesday night with Dr. Springer. Unfortunately, after several phone calls with the staff at the doctor's office, they won't be able to do it on Tuesday night. (Dr. Springer has several surgeries scheduled on Wednesday and can't guarantee to be there for the delivery, therefore they wont schedule an elective induction). So we're currently scheduled for induction on Wednesday night with Dr. Kooperman (my second fav. doctor in the practice). We're praying, I'm begging God to send me into natural labor tomorrow before the induction.

Everyone has been so supportive of our decision to induce, I'm hoping we don't have to. Even Kaycee seems to be supportive by kissing Baby Boy through my belly! 

We spent a good portion of the afternoon playing outside and then spent a good portion of the evening playing on the rocking horse inside. She's having as much fun as possible while she still gets all of our attention!!  

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