Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 20 - Play Play Play

Today was a day full of playing...

First, Ladies Day!
Second, Jenny/Aunt M time!
Third, March Madness with the Smarris Family!

Today was the first day that Kaycee was out pretty much all day. She went to Ladies Day with Momma at Cardinal Drive. We arrived for breakfast; Kaycee was taking a nap. I got in about 2 hours of uninterrupted fellowship and spiritual uplifting before it was time for Kaycee to eat. After awake time and before nap time, Kaycee decided to scream and cry. I put her in the Ergo carrier and walked her around the Auditorium like a million times. She finally fell asleep around lunch time, allowing me to have good fellowship at lunch.

Anthony came and picked Kaycee up around 1 and took her home for some Daddy/Daughter bonding time, that turned into Kaycee napping and then screaming.  He was able to give her her first bottle!!!  She took it like a champ! While that was happening, Aunt M and I were sitting at Jamba, sipping smoothies and chatting! It was amazing to not worry about Kaycee (because she was with her daddy!) for several hours and spend that time with Aunt M.  I felt refreshed and rejuvenated after our Jamba date!

Then I went home and picked up Anthony and Kaycee and we went over to the C house for the March Madness Final Four games. We ate dinner together, passed around Kaycee, and played together. Man was it a good time!

Unfortunately, I was not smart enough to take any pictures of my day.   Can you believe it? I apparently haven't officially gotten the blogging bug yet, because I didn't remember to take pictures for the blog. I'll do better next time!

My prayer for today is that Kaycee grows up enjoying more days like today, full of play, play play!! 

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