Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 21 - My Little Burrito

Today we went to church for the third time! I'm happy to say that we are getting better with our timing and even ran to the grocery store before church! Church was wonderful and B's sermon was great! I had to feed in the middle of church, but hopefully we'll get some speaker/video back in the nursery soon, so that I don't miss anything! 

After church was an Italian Beef potluck. Anthony and I contributed Banana pudding with vanilla wafers for dessert. There were lots of yummy sides and desserts to go with the Italian Beef sandwiches. I wore Kaycee in the Ergo carrier the whole time. 1. because she was sleeping and 2. because that way I got to keep snuggling her the whole time!

Post potluck, Anthony and I came home for a nap and walk! We snuggled as a little family for our nap and then took a short walk around the block. I'm hoping that walks become a regular Neal family daily activity! 

It was bath night and Kaycee seemed less thrilled with the bath tonight. She cried through most of the bath. But after the bath, when she was clean and lotioned, we wrapped her up like a little burrito. Then I snuggled her in the rocking chair for a long time! I love my little burrito!!

My prayer for today is that Kaycee knows how much her Momma and Daddy love her!

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