Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 41 - Last Night at Grama and Grampa's

Today is a bittersweet day. It's our last night at Grama and Grampa's house. These last 6 weeks have been amazing living with Grama and Grampa. I don't know how I would have survived without them. They were such a great help with Kaycee: staying up with me at night, taking her when I got flustered, holding her so I could shower, and answering my desperate questions about being a Momma. I am so thankful for great parents who love my baby so much! 

We had taken all of Kaycee's furniture up to Wisconsin already so she slept in the pack n play that we are leaving at Grama and Grampa's house. This pack n play had a cool attachment that turned it into a bassinet. Anthony and I set it up and she slept well in it! 

We're going to miss Grama and Grampa. :( 

(She's so peaceful when she sleeps)

My prayer for today is that Grama and Grampa are a major part of Kaycee's life, spending quality time with her and attending all her activities! 

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