Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 34 - Saturday before Easter

Today was BUSY! We started off the day, helping the family prepare the house for Easter. This task includes a lot of cleaning/organizing/relocating of the stuff. It is a task for many hands, that's for sure. I was grateful that we were able to help with the process! 

Then we went to Willow Creek's Easter service. It was a great! Willow Creek's services are a much different experience from Cardinal Drive's services. It's a fantastic change of pace. This year Willow Creek was highlighting the song Amazing Grace and God's grace for us. The pastor told an interesting comparison: God's grace is like a criminal who has been caught in tax fraud and sentenced to three years in prison being taken to the jail by the judge. However, instead of the judge locking the criminal into the cell, he locks himself in the cell and serves the sentence for the criminal. What a powerful picture of God's grace!

Then we went to the Carris house for dinner, Easter egg dying and cookie decorating with the Smarris family! We had a blast! I was bummed to miss Anthony blowing out his first egg (I was feeding Kaycee at the time, which is why there is no picture of this "fabulous" event). But we had a great time! 

Then we came rushing home to spend as much time as possible with Great Grama N and Great Grampa T.  Kaycee met her Great Grandparents for the first time and of course was fussy and crying the whole time. (bummer Kaycee!)

Then we opened presents from Grama N and Grampa T! Kaycee received a ton of clothes, books and other goodies! I'm so excited to start building up Kaycee's library! 

(Anthony found that the boppy pillow is just the right size for him!) 

My prayer for today is that our little family continues to fit perfectly into the Smarris clan and continues to have great life experiences with them! 
My other prayer for today is that Kaycee sees how loved she is by her Great Grandparents! 

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